Saturday, 30 January 2016

Samsung Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge receiving Marshmallow 6.0.1 update in South Korea

So its a great news for all the Samsung S6 and S6 edge users that according to a new report however, as of today both variants are officially updating to Android 6.0.1 for customers in Samsung’s home market of South Korea. As of the time of writing, this story is still development and thus details are limited. Models on SK Telecom are detailed.
It is currently unknown as to if either KT or LG U+ hves also begun rolling out the firmware. The build date for both the S6 and the S6 Edge is Fri, 22 Jan 2016 however the time stamps are different.

Also read : Samsung galaxy S7 may have many feature that iPhone users always wants

With South Korea users now formally receiving Marshmallow, it is probably just a matter of days or weeks before the international roll-out begins for unlocked models. In particular the UK was also involved in the beta test program and thus it can be expected that said territory will be among the first to receive the update. Those interested in screen captures obtained from the early preview offering will note the significant visual differences below:

Galaxy-S6-Marshmallow-Beta-AA-(12-of-12)             Galaxy-S6-Marshmallow-Beta-AA-(9-of-12)            Galaxy-S6-Marshmallow-Beta-AA-(1-of-12)

Wrap Up

With Marshmallow now officially out for the Korean Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge, it is only a matter of time before the world at large will be eligible for access, too. This could not come at a more pressing time given the fact that the Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge are expected to be announced in just 22 days, with a possible release in less than a month and a half.

We want to hear your thoughts! How would you evaluate Samsung’s handling of the Marshmallow update? Has it been relatively timely, or has the company gone back to its old ways? For that matter, are any of you in possession of a Korean variant and have already received the update? Let us know how it is!


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