According to the rumors Snapdragon 820 chipset will be in the upcoming Galaxy S7. Samsung has said it will mass produce Qualcomm’s new Snapdragon 820 mobile processors using its 14-manometer chip production technology and its worth to do that in order to increase the performance of the next flagship device.
Samsung said in a statement in a report that the manufacturing technology used for the chips was the same as one being used for its new Exynos processors. The South Korean firm did not elaborate further or reveal the value of the deal with Qualcomm.
A report late last year revealed Samsung will have exclusive rights to the Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 chipset until April. If what the rumour reveals turns out to be true, Samsung could have a headstart for a couple of weeks compared to any manufacturer out there, giving its smartphone a sales momentum that should bring a lot of smiles on the faces of Samsung executives. This is because no other smartphone manufacturer will be able to roll out or release the same during that time.
However, Letv is already set to launch world’s first smartphone with Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 chipset. “Letv has already established itself as one of the world’s top innovators and our decision to include the Snapdragon 820 processor in these new devices demonstrates our commitment to creating and delivering the best technology available to our customers,” Jun Liang, chief operating officer at Letv said in a statement.
To know about the Galaxy S7 different variants click here
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