Monday, 21 September 2015

Apple devices crash while updating to the new iOS 9

I dont know whats wrong with the Apple's update of iOS9 but many Apple devices are crashing when they are upgrading to iOS9.

A significant number of Apple's user reported that their mobile devices have crashed after attempting to upload the new iOS9 operating system.

Twitter and other Social media flaws with the news about this matter and specifically the older versions of iPhones and iPads.

Another iPhone user, Zorry Coates, said she has spent 3 hours in the Apple store and had been left with option of either returning her phone to factory settings - losing any non backed-up-data - or waiting untill Apple technicians announced an update.

Charlie Brown, a technology expert at Sydney-based Cybershack, said any number of dissatisfied customers was significant in the social media era, particularly following the troubled rollout of iOS 8. Apple released several further updates to iOS8, but some of the bugs were never fully fixed.
“The risk to Apple in terms of having dissatisfied customers is that as their customer base grows, so will the number of those dissatisfied customers,” said Brown.

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